



  • n.

    婚礼( wedding的名词复数 );

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • the social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed

        同义词:wedding ceremonynuptialshymeneals

      • the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony

        同义词:marriagemarriage ceremony

      • a party of people at a wedding

        同义词:wedding party



    wedding ceremony n. 结婚典礼

    wedding dress结婚礼服

    wedding day举行婚礼的日子;结婚纪念日

    wedding anniversary结婚纪念日;结婚周年纪念日

    wedding ring结婚戒指

    wedding party婚礼派对,婚宴

    wedding gown结婚礼服;新娘礼服

    wedding photo婚纱摄影

    wedding cake n. 结婚蛋糕

    wedding night花烛夜;小小洞房

    wedding reception结婚宴会,婚宴

    white wedding新娘穿白礼服的婚礼

    wedding vows结婚誓言

    wedding march n. 婚礼进行曲

    golden wedding金婚纪念(即结婚五十周年纪念)

    silver wedding n. 银婚(结婚二十五周年)

    wedding dinner n. 婚宴

    wedding band结婚戒指

    wedding feast n. 喜筵

    wedding and funeral红白喜事



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    Managing Drought in Australia's Rangelands: Four Weddings and a Funeral.
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    "We clean our houses, prepare for weddings and go to funerals": daily lives of elderly Africans in Majaneng, South Africa.
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    上一篇:wedding vows